Nutrition Coaching

Offered in yearly, or 3- 6 month programs, our nutrition coaching seamlessly integrates with all services provided at Golden Rey Energy Center, focusing on fostering a holistically healthy lifestyle. Led by our experienced and knowledgeable Jennifer Baynes, these programs are tailored to meet your individual needs. We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to behavior change; therefore, each program is meticulously designed to suit your requirements. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate sustainable habit formation that extends far beyond the duration of the program

1-year Program:

6-Month Program:

  • Ideal for those seeking sustainable nutrition changes, which includes addressing metabolic syndrome, correcting microbiome imbalances, and body composition.

  • Includes 12 learning sessions with coach Jennifer Baynes.

  • Aimed at fostering long-term habits for a holistically healthy lifestyle.

3-Month Program:

  • Designed for individuals looking for a shorter introduction to new habits and nutrition education.

  • Consists of 6 learning sessions with coach Jennifer Baynes.

  • Offers a condensed but effective approach to jumpstart healthier eating habits.

  • Nutrition Coach, Practice Manager

    As a former competitive cyclist in my 40s, I became interested in the world of nutrition, fitness, and mindset in 2015. While I had access to the best coaches, mentors, and equipment, I also looked to nutrition as a way to increase my performance. This path led me towards a desire to more deeply understand metabolism and nutrition. My interest quickly moved from sports nutrition, to the role food plays for everyone in terms of vitality, mood, and well-being.

    This path led me to becoming an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, certified through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

    I provide nutrition coaching for Golden Rey Integrative Medical Center, under the guidance of Dr. Reynolds, as well as continuing my in-depth education on the evolving science about the human microbiome.

    I educate and guides clients with an inside-out, cutting edge approach to nutrition and wellness that connects the dots between managing metabolic syndrome and digestive health, focusing on the GI microbiome. I strive to stay updated on the latest scientific developments in the field of gut health and nutrition to provide proven helpful strategies to my clients.