You Don’t Have to Suffer this Cold and Flu Season!

This blog was originally posted, December 20, 2022, by Kristen Reynolds, MD, on our previous website.

nasopharyngeal washes for colds and flu – you don’t have to succumb!

Cold and flu season is here with a vengeance, and with holidays around the corner, expect that viral respiratory infections will continue to increase. There is so much you can do to stay healthy!

This is not a comprehensive overview of all of our tips (check out our Cold and Flu handout for that), but a reminder that simple interventions, such as nasopharyngeal washes, carry strong evidence supporting their efficacy in preventing viral infections. Nasopharyngeal washes are safe, non-invasive and inexpensive, and anyone can do it.

So Many Choices

When choosing a nasal wash or spray, there are many options:


There is data supporting simple nasal irrigation with saline (salt water); this can be done with a Neti Pot or bulb syringe and the internet offers tips on this. I prefer to include a pinch of baking soda in the saline to decrease burning.


Povidone-iodine nasal sprays have also been shown to decrease viral load. We like Co-Fix, but it does have powerful scent that may not be acceptable to some. We also use silver hydrosol in the form of Argentyn-23 nasal spray; this has no scent and no taste and is also safe and effective.


One nasal spray with excellent data is XClear, which combines Xylitol (inhibits viruses from adhering to the mucosal lining of the nose) and Grapefruitseed (GSE) Extract, which is a known antimicrobial.


All of these nasal sprays are typically dosed with one squirt in each nostril twice daily (more often with known exposure or high risk settings). I urge you and your family to utilize nasopharyngeal rinses/sprays regularly, and especially with travel and family gatherings.

Helpful Tips

In addition, the FLCCC recommends gargling three times a day (do not swallow) with an antiseptic-antimicrobial mouthwash containing chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride (e.g., Scope™, Act™, Crest™) or povidone-iodine. I prefer Argentyn-23 silver hydrosol throat spray 12 sprays to the back of the throat twice daily (taste neutral and easy for travel). See the FLCCCs protocols here:

Finally, if you do develop a viral infection to the lungs and you have a home nebulizer, you can nebulize 1cc normal saline with 10 drops of Biocidin liquid, or ½ cc normal saline + ½ cc food grade (3%) hydrogen peroxide.

These products are available at our clinics or through our online dispensary, Fullscript:

(Xclear is available on Amazon)


  1. From JAMA Otolaryngology: “Benefits and Safety of Nasal Saline Irrigations in a Pandemic—Washing COVID-19 Away”

  2. From JAMA Otoloaryngology, Povidone-iodine nasal antiseptic solutions inactivate SARS-CoV-2: “In Vitro Efficacy of a Povidone-Iodine Nasal Antiseptic for Rapid Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2”

  3. Compilation of studies on nasal washes, Xylitol, Grapefruit seed extract

  4. Comprehensive Literature Review of Intranasal Therapy Against SARS-CoV-2 – Jan. 2021


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